

非常感谢北航四年的教育,让我深入理解计算机体系结构和底层原理,将我带入崭新的计算机世界。出于对未知的好奇和兴趣,选修了大量一般专业课程,因此学习到大量专业的知识和技术,包括Python, Java, C/C++等编程语言,还通过学校课程(《深度学习》、《机器学习》、《数据挖掘》),自学(吴恩达《深度学习》系列课、《pytorch框架》课)、阅读相关文献并动手实践代码而对机器学习领域有了较为深入的理解。


  • 软件工程(98分):作为项目经理,领导7人小组搭建一个可通过拖拽模块进行可视化编程的网站(名为Visual Pytorch),这个项目是以往以来持续时间最长、成员数最多的一个项目。
  • 校级数学建模大赛(校级一等奖):卡车盲区智能监控预警任务
  • 冯如杯科技竞赛(三等奖):设计了一个音轨分离与乐谱识别系统(名为MusiConvertor)
  • 数据挖掘(95分):采取多层感知机,XGBoost进行离散工件的质量预测
  • 无线网络系统(94分):设计无线自组按需距离向量路由协议,担任路由算法核心部分
  • Matlab程序设计(项目95分):使用MATLAB识别并求解包含9宫格数独图片(截图或照片均可)




Good morning, my respected professors! I’m glad to attend this interview. My name is Sun Ye. I come from Yichang, Hubei Province, now studying at Beihang University of computer science.

Thanks to four years of education at Beihang University, I am equipped with an in-depth understanding of computer architecture and fundamental principles. I also took a large number of elective courses out of curiosity and interest. Therefore, I get a good hang of specialized knowledge and technology. Not only did I master Python, Java, and C++ through a lot of programming practice, I also have a more in-depth understanding of the field of machine learning by taking the school’s courses(“deep learning”, “machine learning”, “data mining”), self-learning(Wu Enda’s “deep learning” series of courses, “Pytorch framework” ), and doing hands-on practice.

In terms of organizational experience, I served as vice president of the guitar club during my sophomore year, mainly responsible for the club’s equipment and funds, and participated in the organization of large and small activities, including a large party of more than 300 people. This experience has significantly improved my organization and coordination ability and strengthen my confidence, so I gradually changed from a learner to a leader, leading the team in the following six projects, and achieving satisfactory results:

  • Software Engineering (98 points): as a project manager, I led a team of 7 to build a visual programming website (called visual Pytorch). This project is the project with the longest duration and the largest number of members.
  • School-level mathematical modeling contest (first prize of school level): We design programs for truck blind area monitoring and early warning.
  • Feng Ru cup science and technology competition(third prize): designed a track separation and score recognition system (music converter)
  • data mining (95 points): multi-layer perceptron and XGboost are used to predict the quality of discrete workpieces
  • wireless network system (94 points): design wireless ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol. I took the core part of the routing algorithm.
  • Matlab program design (project 95 points): use Matlab to identify and solve Sudoku pictures with 9-grid (both screenshots and photos)

In those projects, I mainly took charge of task interpretation and allocation, project integration and deployment, presentation, etc. As a leader, the most important thing is not how much work he has done. But it’s vital to decompose the intricate problems into relatively easy subproblems, reasonably assign tasks to the team members according to their specialization, and finally integrate them into a system. Every time I lead a group to reach a height that an individual can never achieve, I would feel a glow of pride.

Since child, I have long been looking forward to famous foreign universities, so I spent a lot of time preparing TOFEL (105) and GRE (327), but it didn’t come true due to the influence of the global political and epidemic situation. I also miss a chance to go to UIUC for exchange because of the failure of my visa. I hope that one day I can go abroad for further study and improve myself so that I can contribute to my motherland in the future.